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Balotelli in car crash Drama

E!News : MANCHESTER CITY hitman Mario Balotelli emerged unscathed from a car crash this morning. The Italian, who joined City in a £24million move from Inter Milan earlier this month, was at the wheel of his Audi A8 when it collided with another car in Manchester.

Balotelli, 20, was uninjured but was breathalysed in accordance with standard practice. Police were called to the scene in Chester Road, Hulme, and spoke to Balotelli and the driver of a BMW and checked the striker's documentation, which was all in order. Police are no longer investigating.

A Greater Manchester Police spokesman said: "At 9.45am today we were called to Chester Road in Hulme to reports of a two-car collision. "Officers attended and found a black BMW had been in collision with an Audi A8. "Nobody was injured. "Both cars were damaged and removed from the scene."

Balotelli was later able to train with his team-mates but he will not travel to the game at Sunderland tomorrow because of an existing knee injury. Manchester City declined to comment. (thesun)

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