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Bill's a Potter Rotter

E!News : ACTOR BILL NIGHY looks wand-erfully mean - as Minister of Magic in the latest Harry Potter film. Bill, 60, plays tough Rufus Scrimgeour in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. His role in the wizard series is a dream come true for the star - who previously complained he was "the only British actor who hasn't been in Harry Potter".

But as Scrimgeour he has quite a fight on his hands after Lord Voldemort and his "Death Eaters" infiltrate the ministry and magically manipulate his staff. And he eventually pays a heavy price for refusing to betray Harry Potter. Meanwhile, DANIEL RADCLIFFE shows how much he has changed since his debut as the boy wizard at the age of 12 (see slideshow).

The actor, now 21, sports a haunted look in snaps for film seven - a far cry from the character's beginnings in The Philosopher's Stone. Part one of Deathly Hallows comes out in November. Part two is out next July. (thesun)
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