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Johnny Depp Turning Into Captain Jack!

E!News : JOHNNY Depp is taking his pirate role to the next level! The actor is apparently raising concerns on the set of Pirates of the Caribbean 4 with his dedication to his Jack Sparrow character.

“He never breaks character,” says a source on the set. “Everyone calls him Jack now, even between takes.

“The only difference to the movie Captain Jack is that Johnny tends to swagger around listening to his iPod but even that he has playing old sea shanties to help keep him in character.”

Recent reports claimed Depp’s character will hook up with a mermaid in Pirates of the Caribbean 4.

“This will be a central part of the next movie,” blabbed one loose-lipped Hollywood insider. “Captain Jack will fall foul of these seemingly perfect and seductive mermaids but they are not all they seem.

“Auditions are taking place now for sexy girls who can also sing opera.

“There is also a lead mermaid role which is attracting some big-name actresses.” (showbizspy)

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