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Jolie, “I love them,”

E!News : ANGELINA Jolie has spoken about her body art in the latest issue of Australian magazine Post-Modern Ink.

“I love them,” Jolie, who raises six children with partner Brad Pitt, said of her tattoos.

“They’re body art. I don’t think it’s abnormal that someone who spends their life in other skins wants to claim their own by marking things on it that matter to them. My most recent is five vertical rows of ancient Cambodian script. It’s on my back and looks very sacred.

“Getting my dragon was perhaps the biggest surprise. I was in Amsterdam and got a little crazy, dropping my pants at a tattoo parlour and woke up the next morning and saw this really funny dragon.

“I’ve always wanted a dragon but this one had a funny blue tongue. To me a dragon is very much a woman, strong and elegant.”

Jolie then spoke about claims she once stabbed her ex Billy Bob Thornton.

“There was one when Billy and I were together that said I had stabbed him and then went into a nut house or something,” she said.

“I thought that was kind of funny. If I wanted to have killed him, I would have killed him.” (showbizspy)

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